You’re Going To Lose Some Friends

You're going to lose some friends.

That's just the way it is.

Just as you're not intended to marry everyone you date, you're going to lose some friends.

Actually, no; you're going to lose a lot of friends.

Think of all the people in your past you used to call friends.

They didn't become bad people all of a sudden. They're still good. They're just not good to or for you anymore. Nor are you for them.

You're no longer in resonance with them is all.

You no longer provide each other with the medicine you need.

That is neither commentary on or condemnation of their worth as a human being.

(Yes, there are exceptions, but those are rare)

Most of us mortals just want to love and be loved as we are.

And sometimes people have to change, to grow in the direction they're intended to. And sometimes that direction is away from you.

Bless them on their way. Wish for them what you wish for yourself.

None of us will ever know the whole story of anyone, not even ourselves.


These are extraordinary times


The Act of Creation