The Witness Circle Origin
Over the course of 5 years in the 1990’s I interviewed over 100 people on video for a documentary project. All of these people worked in and around the human consciousness arena. I traveled from Los Angeles to Glastonbury, England to Findhorn, Scotland, asking questions and listening to remarkable stories of how these people came to be doing what they did in the world. During an extended stay at The Findhorn Foundation and traveling through various locations throughout Europe and the US, I started to get requests from friends to interview them. They would tell their stories and I would listen. No agenda. And as they spoke I realized the simple act of telling their stories was healing. They were healing simply by speaking to an interested listener.
And as I listened I heard my own story coming out of their mouths:
Tales of having come to a place where they knew they would have to leave their previous life behind - which I had done just recently - and how much resistance there was to move through the fear around it, how it felt like - and was indeed - a death of sorts.
Stories of being led by the invisible to who knows where, knowing it was as right as it was crazy, which I was experiencing in present time.
Everything from stories of being the outcast to being the hero and how those two poles often dovetail into one another.
They were mirroring my own story and, from this, I extrapolated that while we are all unique individuals we are as much alike. We get to decide how we see ourselves in relation to one another.
It’s long been a desire of mine to hold a container for people to be seen and heard in a similar fashion; one that focuses on our connection while respecting our differences.
The Witness Circle grew out of that desire.
Love, Jack